5 ways to keep your endocannabinoid system in shape



5 ways to keep your endocannabinoid system in shape

4 min read

While an apple a day may keep the doctor away, it turns out cannabinoids are just as beneficial to your health.

In the 1990s, scientists discovered the endocannabinoid system, which helps regulate our body’s homeostasis i.e. typical day-to-day functioning.

If you’re in pain, it makes you in less pain. If you’re too up, it can help bring you down. If you’re too down, it can help bring you up.

Researchers are still figuring out the exact mechanisms of the system, but they do know that it’s comprised of a network of biochemical receptors within the brain and other parts of the body that regulate mood, pain, metabolism, sleep, and more other vital processes.

One of the best ways to access and engage your endocannabinoid system? Using cannabis.

Flowertown Five Ways to Keep Your Endocannabinoid System in Shape

What it does

The main cannabinoids in cannabis – THC and CBD – bind to certain receptors in our endocannabinoid system.

THC tends to bind to CB1 receptors in the brain, while CBD tends to work on CB2 receptors in the immune cells. It’s fueled not only by natural cannabinoids produced inside the body but also by the cannabis we consume.

This is partly why for thousands of years, in one fashion or another, cannabis had been a regular part of the human diet.

For people who live in states where cannabis is legal, ensuring our cannabinoid system is in optimum health is as easy as a trip to the local dispensary.

But there are other ways you can activate it without its namesake plant. So here are the top five ways to keep your cannabinoid system in peak condition.

Flowertown Five Ways to Keep Your Endocannabinoid System in Shape

1. Food Choices

Eating spices like turmeric, saffron, nutmeg, and other foods rich in polyphenols and antioxidants can stimulate your endocannabinoid system.

Conversely, minimize your intake of refined sugars and flour, and excessive amounts of dairy, which are foods known to cause inflammation.

Flowertown Five Ways to Keep Your Endocannabinoid System in Shape

2. Get some morning sun

A few minutes of sunshine—sans sunscreen—to start your day, can help boost your endocannabinoid system. UVA induces the release of nitric oxide, which has been shown to increase the number of CB1 receptors. But don’t overdo; only a little morning sun can go a long way…

Flowertown Five Ways to Keep Your Endocannabinoid System in Shape

3. Probiotics

Found in yogurt and other foods, probiotics help regulate the endocannabinoid system by increasing CB2 receptors in the intestinal cells.

Flowertown Five Ways to Keep Your Endocannabinoid System in Shape

4. Drinking in moderation

Over-imbibing those happy hour cocktails has been shown to impact cannabinoid signaling in the body, meaning the sensitivity of cannabinoid receptors may be reduced. So go ahead and enjoy a glass of wine with dinner, but take it easy on the tequila shots.

Flowertown Five Ways to Keep Your Endocannabinoid System in Shape

5. Cool off

Research suggests that taking an occasional cold shower stimulates the cannabinoid system through a process called thermogenic activation. Aside from that, it can also help promote better blood circulation and really kickstart your morning.

While using cannabis clearly isn’t the only way to activate your endocannabinoid system, it’s one of the best. That being said, there are so many ways to use cannabis, from eating edibles to playing it cool with vape pens, whatever your lifestyle entails – there’s cannabis for that.