Cannabis 101


At Papa & Barkley, people are always asking us questions about our products and cannabis in general. Here’s one of our most frequently asked questions.

How It’s Made

Ever wonder how we make our Papa & Barkley products? Well, wonder no more! Check out this video and see how we’re creating our all-natural products that have helped millions of people. In the spirit of transparency we take you on a journey from the soil to the shelf to show you every step of […]

Cannabis 101: What is indica?

Indica, hybrid, and sativa. One of the first things new consumers should do is familiarize themselves with the different types of cannabis and their potential effects.

What’s the best strain for newbies?

For new consumers, it is easy to get lost in the world of indicas, hybrids, and sativas. Check out what we consider to be the best strain for new consumers.

Cannabis & alcohol: To mix or not to mix?

We finally shed light on the age-old alcohol question. Learn more about whether you can have a drink or two while also enjoying cannabis.

Cannabis & Exercise: It’s a thing now

Want to get the most out of your mind and body? Check out how cannabis can be used to help elevate your exercise program.

Why legal & tested cannabis is necessary

Now that cannabis is government regulated, like any crop, it must get tested to ensure safety before it hits the market. Check out what gets tested and why.

Why is Prop 64 important?

Prop 64 does a lot more than just make cannabis recreationally legal. Safety and testing play a big role in this new legislation.

What is Prop 64?

With new regulation under Prop 64, what are the differences between the previous and new legislation?

Wait, what’s the endocannabinoid system?

Our relationship with cannabis is much more hardwired into us than we originally thought. Check out how your endocannabinoid system works.

What is a tincture?

The fastest, simplest, and most effective way to use cannabis also happens to be one of the oldest. Get back into vintage apothecary mode by using tinctures.

What are terpenes and why are they so important?

Terpenes are the new black in the cannabis community. Take a look at what they are and how they play a major role in the way you enjoy cannabis.