Topicals articles and videos we've archived - Flowertown Your trusted source in cannabis Tue, 12 Nov 2019 19:08:28 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Cannabis success stories: Teri’s workout recovery Tue, 29 Oct 2019 23:28:59 +0000 5 min read Teri’s livelihood depends on my body, so recovery is essential. Learn how she discovered the product she can’t live without.

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5 min read

Teri Reeves is not an ordinary actress.

Sure, her latest credits may include some of the most popular shows on television: 9-1-1, The Punisher, and Once Upon a Time. But not many can say that they also hold a brown belt in the ancient martial art of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. If that’s not enough, Teri teaches fitness classes and offers personal training services to clients throughout Los Angeles in her off time.

But after years of working in the entertainment industry, Teri was fed up with the lack of dynamic or powerful female roles out there. In Teri’s words, “I kept getting cast as the victim. I was either a cry or die girl. Eventually, I went to my team and said, ‘I have more in my wheelhouse than this. What if I put together a fight reel?’”

Her team loved it, and the rest is history. As Teri puts it, “once I did my first stunt, I was hooked.” Now, she gravitates towards roles that portray strong females who are active and physical. According to her, “it’s always better for storytelling if the actor in the shot is the one doing their own action.”

Although she saves the truly dangerous stuff for the professionals, Teri has now been doing her own stunts for years. But when added to her already demanding schedule of martial arts and physical training, it became draining. Teri says, “I was struggling with fatigue and recovery. Muscle soreness, aches, and pains were all bothering me when I showed up to work. I didn’t want to quit, but my body was hurting.”

Flowertown Cannabis Success Stories Teris Recovery

At this point, Teri had shaped her acting career around her physical abilities. But when the pain of overworking her body became unbearable, she had to reevaluate how to sustain such an active lifestyle: “there was a part of this year where I started to get injured more regularly and I was devastated. I thought, ‘this might actually affect my career.’”

“There was a part of this year where I started to get injured more regularly and I was devastated.”

The pain not only affected her livelihood, but her wellbeing. “I call working out my moving meditation. Some people meditate or pray, or whatever it is to quiet their mind or body. For me, I need to move in order to do that.” Because moving the body is not only essential to her work but to her mental health, finding a recovery method that worked was essential.

Of course, as a personal trainer, Teri was already incorporating the timeless recovery methods athletes know and love: icing, stretching, massage, rest and myofascial release. But at the rate she was going, she needed something more.

To recover quickly, Reeves used over-the-counter pain relievers to help her power through the sore days. After a while, she felt like she was abusing over the counter pain medication to treat daily sore muscles, fatigue, bumps and bruising. Plus, “Advil irritated my stomach.” And she’s not the only one: common pain relievers can cause kidney damage when used too frequently. It was around this time she realized, “I had to get smart about my recovery so I could continue doing the work I love.”

One day, her running partner offers an alternative: Papa and Barkley 3:1 Releaf Balm.

“I was skeptical. When he told me it had cannabis in it, I was even more skeptical because I came from a family that never encouraged it. But I was desperate.”

So, she decided to give the balm a shot.

“When he told me it had cannabis in it, I was even more skeptical because I came from a family that never encouraged it.”

“The first night, I rubbed it on my calf muscles because I had a stress fracture last year that resulted in inflammation.” A stress fracture happens to many whose lives revolve around pushing themselves physically. Impact sports like running, jump squats or martial arts (all of which Teri does daily) are usually what causes them.

Flowertown Cannabis Success Stories Teris Recovery

According to Teri, “my calf muscles were so inflamed from the fracture that I could hardly put my heels on the ground. When I woke up the next morning, I was walking normally. I felt better. It was working.” So, she started using it on her calves daily. “Ever since, I’ve been able to recover more quickly and feel a lot less pain.”

“When I woke up the next morning, I was walking normally. I felt better. It was working.”

In addition to muscle tension, the Papa & Barkley Releaf Balm helps Teri with a host of other issues. For instance, headlocks and neck chokes are common moves in Hollywood stunt scenes, but they can result in major neck tension. Teri uses the balm after especially difficult stunt scenes to prevent neck tension and go about her day. Like all athletes, Teri must also think about previous injuries to her body and how to protect those pain points when she uses them. A few years ago, she popped a bursa sac in her knee joint. Before discovering the Balm, this injury would reoccur often with any impact. At one point, the inflammation became so painful, she had to stop training altogether.

Now, Teri has made a habit out of wearing a brace every time she trains, then rubs the Releaf Balm on her knee afterward. Since the Papa and Barkley product, Teri says “I can train as much as I want. It really does help with inflammation. And I don’t need to take Advil anymore.”

Flowertown Cannabis Success Stories Teris Recovery

According to Teri, “the Papa & Barkley Releaf Balm is the one addition to my routine that helps me continue to do what I do with less pain than ever before. It saved my ability to work and be present while continuing to do the moving meditation work that is part of my wellbeing.”

“The Papa & Barkley Releaf Balm is the one addition to my routine that helps me continue to do what I do with less pain than ever before.”

In fact, Teri’s experience has proven so helpful in her daily routine that she now recommends the Balm to her physical training clients: “for my clients, I have some Papa & Barkley on hand in my training studio in case they want to try it. One client had knee surgery and was recovering in pain. She now uses it on her knee and it sped up the recovery process.”

Of course, Teri recommends continuing with other useful recovery methods when incorporating cannabis topicals into your recovery routine. “It’s just another tool in the toolbox of recovery. Continue to rest, ice, and follow doctors orders.”

If you want to learn more about Teri’s routine, check out her top tips for responsible workout recovery.


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Cannabis success stories: Mimi’s arthritis Wed, 10 Apr 2019 10:00:24 +0000 4 min read One woman’s story of how cannabis helped her fight back against painful rheumatoid arthritis and regain her strength and independence.

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4 min read

The saying goes that youth is wasted on the young. As we get older we may have ourselves (and our lives) figured out but that doesn’t take into account debilitations such as arthritis that can rob us of some of the simple pleasures that help the days go by.

But arthritis doesn’t discriminate. Reportedly, 54 million adults deal with the intense joint pain as if it’s part of their morning coffee. Additionally, thousands of children are diagnosed with it, leading to lives full of extra strength NSAIDs and exhausting coping mechanisms for pain management.

But that’s not to say that there isn’t a solution, which actually just became legal in Canada – approximately one week after National Arthritis Day in the US.

Cannabis is often cited as a highly effective analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent, but does the wunderkind plant stand up to the formidability of arthritis?

We spoke to Mimi Bardowell, beloved mother of our very own Jamil Bardowell, about her battles with arthritis and how cannabis helped her regain her independence and happiness.

Meet Mimi

Mimi grew up in Bogota, Colombia but moved stateside in 1958, spent a couple years in Jamaica, then came back to sunny Southern California soon after.

She raised her kids. Loved her husband. Planted her roots and, for the most part, lived a great life.

After her husband passed in 2004 she took to jewelry as a pastime, developing deep friendships in her crafting group. But after ten years of making intricate, artful pieces she started having problems with her fingers.

“I was sad because I couldn’t use my hands anymore,” Mimi said from her living room in Fountain Valley, just outside of Los Angeles. “I use my right hand for everything. I couldn’t do anything and I was just getting desperate like what is going to happen to me for the rest of my life?”

Flowertown Cannabis Success Stories Mimi’s Arthritis

Something’s gotta give

Being a senior and living alone can be a daunting task. Adding arthritis to the mix can make it even more intimidating – especially if that means not being able to use your strong hand.

Mimi needed a solution to her arthritic problem, so her doctors prescribed pills and cortisone shots. Every two weeks, Mimi had to get the painful injection and every day the pills disagreed with her.
While the pain may have subsided temporarily – at best – the problems that came with the solution made her feel like she was constantly taking one step forward just to go two steps back.

Flowertown Cannabis Success Stories Mimi’s Arthritis

She had to give up jewelry. She couldn’t cook for the people she loved. She could barely take her dog, Cooper, for a walk, let alone open doors and cabinets.

Not only did arthritis settle in so much to be as ingrained in her life as her morning coffee, but because of it she could no longer even hold her cup of coffee.

The canna-solution

Something had to give for Mimi and with cannabis becoming recreationally legal in California, the solution appeared to be a plant she never thought she would use.

Growing up in Colombia in the mid-century, it was imperative to her that she veered from the drug-addled stereotype the country garnered from the ‘60 through the ‘80s. 

To Mimi, cannabis was flora non-grata. But a change needed to be made so at the behest of her son, she finally gave in.

Initially Mimi used a vape pen and the results were fairly immediate. The pain subsided and the side effects of the meds eased off. Her doctors’ gave her their blessing and suddenly cannabis was the magic key to unlocking the freedom arthritis had imprisoned.

Flowertown Cannabis Success Stories Mimi’s Arthritis

Phases and stages: Diving deeper into cannabis

While the vape pen – Dosist, to be exact – was working well enough, her relief could be intensified and specified by changing up her form of ingestion.

“My son suggested that I use this oil,” she says. “In a week I started feeling better. My finger was not swollen anymore, I had no pain. I could open bottles again. I could cook again. I could hold my coffee.”

She recalls having to ask her son to hold a glass of water for her when they were out at restaurants. Now, between the pen and the one-two punch of Papa & Barkley and Apothecanna cannabis creams, she feels as though she’s made her way back to normal.

“Don’t be afraid to use it just because of the stigma or the name,” Mimi encourages. “If I’m talking to anybody that is a senior and they’re in pain, don’t be afraid of using cannabis. It will help you.”

While Mimi may have been able to use topicals to help fight back her arthritis, everyone’s endocannabinoid system is different. What works for her, may not work for you (or you grandmother, or that friend with a trick knee).

That being said, the range of medical maladies that cannabis can conquer isn’t limited to just the classic glaucoma, arthritis, depression, and anxiety. But in order to learn more about how cannabis can help ease any ailments of your own, you have to learn your relationship with it.


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Sex and cannabis: a New York panel Tue, 12 Feb 2019 18:40:49 +0000 4 min read In New York, five experts met to discuss cannabis for sexual health and exploration. Find out what happened here.

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4 min read

The first Friday of February, a panel of sex experts and cannabis industry professionals gathered to talk to some of New York’s health and wellness enthusiasts about the potential of cannabis for sexual healing and exploration. Held at The Alchemist’s Kitchen, a “botanical dispensary and whole-plant coffee bar” in Manhattan’s East Village, sex & cannabis experts touched on a broad range of topics related to cannabis and intimacy.

Before the packed event, attendees eagerly discussed their personal relationships with cannabis, interacting with event and sales staff, and purchasing CBD products from the shop. The room was buzzing with the energy of cannabis enthusiasts welcoming a new industry to New York.

The panel, facilitated by Anna Duckworth (Editor-in-Chief, Miss Grass) and featuring Cyo Nystrom (Quim Rock), Kimberly Dillon (Papa & Barkley), Gabrielle Alexa (sex writer & content creator) and Mathew Gerson (Foria), focused on the varying ways in which cannabis can both improve a healthy sex life with a partner, facilitate solo sexual exploration, and help heal common issues in intimacy. The predominantly women-led panel approached intimate areas of women’s sexual health, such as vaginal dryness, tightness, and discomfort during sex.

Each panelist discussed their personal experience with the products frankly and openly. Ms. Nystrom shared the benefits of cannabis oil for vaginal health, expressing it as akin to a nightly skin care routine to prevent conditions such as yeast infections and UTIs. THC/CBD lubricants, anal suppositories, and topical cannabis products were presented for their ability to stimulate blood flow and heighten sensations. Ms. Duckworth then guided the conversation toward cannabis as potential anxiety relief for those who have suffered sexual trauma or PTSD.

Consent on cannabis is a grey area that merits further discussion; thankfully, the panelists approached it with a variety of viewpoints. Ms. Dillon, Ms. Duckworth, and Ms. Alexa led a thoughtful conversation that focused on the importance of establishing boundaries with a partner before consuming cannabis, especially when THC (the psychoactive component) is involved. They also stressed the importance of actively discussing consent with non-intoxicating cannabis products, such as topical or CBD-dominant products.

With the exception of Ms. Alexa, all panelists were based in the legalized state of California, leaving a noticeable gap in the conversation for New Yorkers. One audience member pointed out that while they spoke, thousands of people are still incarcerated for possession of cannabis due to its non-legal status in most US states. She then asked how cannabis industry leaders are actively inviting those who have been marginalized or criminalized into these high-income spaces and conversations. Ms. Dillon acknowledged this reality and pledged a commitment to include more diverse communities in the cannabis and wellness space through outreach. As these conversations become more mainstream in new markets, it is clear that the industry and thought leaders must include more nuanced conversations that address these realities and provide audiences with alternative suggestions for products legal to purchase in their state.

Flowertown Sex and cannabis in New York a panel

Overall, the panelists were thoughtful and insightful, and shared a variety of intriguing cannabis-based products for sexual health. When experimenting with any lubricant, cream or oil designed for the genitals, always try it first on your arm to ensure no allergies before applying to genitals or any more sensitive area. Engage in active consent conversations with a partner, and ensure you are in a safe and comfortable setting.

Below are some of the top products from Papa & Barkley, Foria, and Quim Rock. Linked here are THC versions of products, available in California, Colorado, and Canadian dispensaries; if you are in a non-legalized state, hemp-based CBD-only versions of some of these products are available to purchase online in all states.

Pleasure by Foria – natural arousal lube with THC (CBD available)

Releaf Balm by Papa & Barkley – targeted topical relief (CBD available)

Night Moves Intimate Oil by Quim Rock – cannabis oil designed to increase sensation and heighten arousal


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Five products to get it on Fri, 01 Feb 2019 20:45:25 +0000 5 min read Just in time for Valentine’s Day 2019, here are five of Flowertown’s favorite cannabis products to get you in the mood.

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5 min read

Whether you are single or taken this holiday, Valentine’s Day is the perfect excuse to explore your sensuality. Here are five of our favorite cannabis products that will level up the romance and increase intimacy.

Kikoko’s Sensuali-tea

Available in California.

Kikoko offers a variety of excellent cannabis-infused herbal teas for every occasion, but take one look at the reviews for Sensuali-Tea and it’s clear that this product is something special. Their organically sun-grown cannabis is blended with other natural aphrodisiacs and plant medicines like rose petals to relieve anxiety and cloves to increase blood circulation (aka enhance performance). An Organic Hibiscus Cardamom Rose Tea made for connection and intimacy, Sensuali-tea intensifies orgasms and promises “utterly heavenly sex.” For those curious, caffeine-free tea bags are sold in individual packets or in a tin of ten. Single this Valentine’s Day? Consider buying a few tins and hosting a Kikoko High Tea Party for other singles to mix and mingle.

How to use

Pour 6-8 ounces of boiling water over one Kikoko tea bag. Steep for at least 90 seconds, when all the active cannabis ingredient is dissolved. Steep longer for taste. Wait 90 minutes to feel the effects (enough time for a dinner date). For newbies, Kikoko recommends splitting a cup with your partner.


$6 – $10 per sachet, $44 – $60 per tin.


7mg THC per tea bag

The Passion Pen or Arouse Pen by Dosist

Available in California.

Dosist actually offers two different vape options for a night of intimacy. The Passion Pen delivers “a euphoric feeling designed to increase sensuality and heighten your sexual experience,” while their Arouse Pen is formulated to “help you feel aroused and enhance your excitement.” Both products are THC-dominant with small amounts of CBD to enhance the relaxing effects without getting lazy. While we’re not sure what the difference between the two really is, Dosist says it’s in the terpenes: the Passion Pen incorporates myrcene and limonene for a musky citrus flavor, while the Arouse Pen is primarily made up of linalool and farnesene for a spicy yet floral aroma. If you want to do your own comparison, skip the 200 dose pen and buy their 50 dose pen in both Passion and Arouse.


How to use

The dose pen is easy to use. Just inhale at a normal, consistent rate, and the vaporizer will shut off automatically after 3 seconds. A slight vibration will inform you when you’ve received the precise amount of 2.25 MG of your chosen formula.


200 dose pen $100
50 dose pen $40


11:1 THC-to-CBD
2.25mg per dose


How to use

The dose pen is easy to use. Just inhale at a normal, consistent rate, and the vaporizer will shut off automatically after 3 seconds. A slight vibration will inform you when you’ve received the precise amount of 2.25 MG of your chosen formula.


200 dose pen $100
50 dose pen $40


10:1 THC-to-CBD
2.25mg per dose

High Love

Available in Colorado.

This Colorado-based company mixes two well-known aphrodisiacs into one sexy chocolate bar

Incorporating everyone’s favorite strain, Blue Dream, into a medley of plant medicines catered to improving sexy time and infused into rich dark chocolate. The blend includes some lesser-known medicinal plants like “damiana to curb inhibition, Catuaba to increase sexual desire, theobromine for energy, Ashwagandha to reduce stress and boost libido, and Muira Puama, known as the ‘Viagra of the Amazon.’”

How to use

Indulge in a bean or two depending on your tolerance level. You’ll start feeling frisky about 20 minutes later.


$28 per package


5 mg THC | 5 mg CBD per bean

Herba Buena Quiver Sensual Pleasure Oil

Available in California.

Top Chef’s Casey Thompson named Quiver “the best lube ever,” while SF Chronicle Green State calls it “the best intimacy oil” yet. Herba Buena promises heightened awareness, lubrication, and euphoria. Their special blend is formulated to “enhance arousal, extend orgasm, and ease menstrual cramps.” With hints of vanilla, cinnamon, and clove, this oil is not only great for the main event but romantic massages as well. Also, be warned: like all oil-based lubes, this product is not latex-condom safe.

How to use

Massage in and around your private parts alone or with a partner, or use as a massage oil for any part of the body.


$50 per 30 ml bottle


120 mg THC | 0 mg CBD per package

Foria Awaken

Can be shipped anywhere.

Not in California or Colorado? Not to worry–the weed lube brand, Foria, has come up with a solution. Their new product, Awaken, is designed to deliver similar effects to their original THC-infused lube for women that don’t live in legalized states. With a rich mint and chocolate aroma, Awaken combines 8 natural aphrodisiacs with hemp-based CBD to heighten pleasure and ease discomfort. Like the lube above, this product is coconut oil-based and therefore does not work with latex.

How to use

Massage in and around your private parts alone or with a partner, or use as a massage oil for any part of the body.


$48 per bottle


Broad-spectrum CBD from hemp organically-grown in the USA

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Cannabis and eczema Wed, 30 Jan 2019 18:24:36 +0000 3 min read With the development of topical cannabis products, millions have a new choice when eczema and rosacea in the US today.

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3 min read

Cannabis is well known for its natural healing properties. With all the research being done, you’ve got to wonder if there’s anything cannabis can’t treat. In addition to helping people suffering from chronic pain and PTSD, cannabis can also be used to treat dermatological conditions.

Eczema and rosacea are two of the most common conditions plaguing children and adults in the United States. There are treatments for both, but many come with a slew of unwanted side effects. Those in the cannabis industry have developed dozens of lotions, creams, and other skin products to offer a natural alternative. Take a look at how cannabis can help you overcome the dry, itchy, and red skin that goes along with these conditions.

Flowertown Cannabis skin care healing eczema and rosacea

What is eczema?

Eczema is a skin condition that affects both children and adults. Their immune systems go crazy and cause the skin to become itchy and irritated. It’s a condition that affects nearly 30 million people in the United States. Doctors aren’t really sure what causes it, but there are certain triggers that make it worse. The triggers vary from person to person, but some of the most common are soaps, cleaning products, food allergens, and illnesses.

When it comes to treating eczema, the best course of action is to avoid triggers. Unfortunately, that’s not always possible. Antihistamines and corticosteroids are the most common medications used to treat eczema and the itching that it brings on. People with eczema also use special moisturizers and soaps that don’t irritate the skin or cause a reaction.

Flowertown Cannabis skin care healing eczema and rosacea

How can cannabis help?

The best way to treat eczema with cannabis is with cannabis-infused creams. Applying cannabis topically and directly on the affected areas ensures that the therapeutic compounds go right where they’re needed. Cannabis is known for its anti-inflammatory properties, which is key in treating eczema — a condition that is largely caused by inflammation. Additionally, cannabis has antimicrobial properties that help battle the Staph infections that are common in patients with eczema. Using creams and oils regularly help keep the skin moisturized and eczema breakouts to a minimum.

What is rosacea?

Rosacea is a skin condition that affects more than 16 million people in the United States. It’s often misdiagnosed as adult acne. It appears as redness on the cheeks and nose, but can spread to the forehead and chin or even the ears, chest, and back if not treated properly.

Because rosacea appears with visible blood vessels, bumps, pimples, and redness in the face, its effects go beyond just physical discomforts. Many adults with rosacea develop depression and anxiety as a result of the change in appearance. Most patients experience a drop in self-confidence and self-esteem, which all affect other aspects of their daily lives.

There is no cure for rosacea, but there are a few standard treatments. Steroid creams and antibiotics help to control inflammation and infections that can make the effects of rosacea worse. Some people opt for laser treatments to help lessen the appearance of the blood vessels.

Flowertown Cannabis skin care healing eczema and rosacea

How can cannabis help?

Cannabis can help treat rosacea in several ways. The best way to utilize cannabis is topically. Creams and lotions keep the skin moisturized while the anti-inflammatory properties of cannabis go to work at minimizing the appearance of rosacea. Vaporizing, smoking, or ingesting cannabis helps treat the psychological effects that go along with the condition. Both CBD and THC can help with relaxation and reducing stress, anxiety, and depression.

Eczema and rosacea are two of the most common skin conditions. Unfortunately, there is no cure for either one. The good news is that both are treatable to a certain extent with cannabis. Explore the different options for cannabis creams and get some relief from your dry, itchy, and red skin.


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An Angeleno’s road trip guide to cannabis in Vegas. Thu, 24 Jan 2019 20:31:22 +0000 3 min read Vegas is the city of lights, shows, and… cannabis? LA road trippers, let our guide show you the way.

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3 min read

When you are thinking about road tripping to Vegas with your friends, you’re probably thinking about loading up on snacks, pit stops, and all the things you want to do when you get there. One thing to consider for your trip is planning your cannabis use when you get there.

Flowertown A Los Angelinos Road Trip Guide To Cannabis in Vegas

 Planning Your Trip

The nearly five-hour drive to Vegas is one that can be a fun bonding experience with your friends, especially when great music and snacks are involved.

You can choose to hop on the 10 west or the 15 south, depending on which direction you are coming from. It’s always best to hit the road before rush hour traffic starts around 6 am or later on in the evening when it ends after 7 pm. Avoiding heavy traffic can cut a five-hour trip down to four hours, but also remember to drive safely!

Making sure your car is ready for the trip and you are fully stocked up on snacks are a must, but what about packing your cannabis with you?

While it may seem like a great idea to store your favorite flower or concentrate in your backseat, it’s 100% illegal to transport across state lines.

Unfortunately, this choice could lead to a misdemeanor or felony charge. But no worries–you’ll have plenty of options to make up for it when you get to your destination.

Hitting The Road

You’ve loaded all your friends in your car and you’ve checked that you have everything you need (don’t forget the sunblock as it gets extremely hot there). So what about stopping for the essentials during your drive?

Barstow is a famous pit stop on the way to meet lady luck. The quaint town is a good two-hour midpoint between Los Angeles and Vegas going both ways, with gas stations and fast food options to quickly refuel.

Flowertown A Los Angelinos Road Trip Guide To Cannabis in Vegas

On the way to Barstow, think about taking a small detour and traveling up the historic route 66. Here is where you’ll take a step back in history from old diners to antique shops and even an ostrich farm. It’s not the easiest task to find the route, so try a website like this one if you are nervous about your GPS. Remember when you are driving that your phone service may go in and out, so having a map handy won’t hurt.

Places to Visit

You made it! Now what? You’re probably ready to head out with your friends, or relax a bit. Since cannabis use is legal in Las Vegas, there is a myriad of dispensary options for your taste.

Essence Vegas is located right across from the Stratosphere hotel at the southern end of the strip. The store boasts over 50 strains of flowers including topicals and concentrates. Guests can also enjoy a discounted Lyft ride using the code provided on their website.

The Apothecary Shoppe is also another highly rated location because it’s the only cannabis shop on the strip open 24/7. Guests can order online and pick up without hassle, just show your I.D. and you’re good to go.

Another cool dispensary to try is NuWu Cannabis, the only drive-thru shop in the city. They are also known for having one of the largest selections. If you are willing to venture away from the strip, this may be worth a try.

After consuming, you’ll be ready to get on with your stay. The beauty of Vegas is that it’s definitely not lacking in things to do. If you arrive at the city early in the morning, consider ziplining down the historic Fremont Street. At night, check out of the shows (J-Lo is performing!) before hitting the clubs or casino with friends.

Just remember, “What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas”.


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